The Scrum Leadership Series
(6 books)

Paperback Edition

At the time of this writing, we have spent 25 years together, helping people use Scrum to build products and improve their lives. Before that, we each spent over 10 years using Scrum ourselves. We did this before there was an Agile Alliance, Scrum Alliance, or the Agile Manifesto. We have trained, and coached, tens of thousands of people.

Level 1

Scrum Mastering I:
Facilitation Improvement

Product Ownership I:
Leading a Team

Level 2

Scrum Mastering II:
Building Great Teams

Product Ownership II:
Making Hard Decisions

Level 3

Scrum Mastering III:
Organizational Improvement

Product Ownership III:
Leading Agile Organizations

The information we present in the Leadership Series of Guidebooks is the culmination of that effort. That will help you understand and improve your Scrum, whether you call it ‘Scrum’, ‘Kanban’, ‘eXtreme Programming’, ‘SAFe’, ‘Small Unit Leadership’, ‘Crew Teamwork’, or something else…

This Scrum Leadership Series focuses on Product Ownership and Scrum Mastering. Anybody entering this leadership path must already be familiar with the basics of Scrum; one good way to do this is to read our Foundations of Scrum Guidebook, as it will make the transition to our Leadership Series virtually seamless.

To help you master Scrum, our books are broken down into two groups. The Scrum Handbooks which describe the models of Single-Team Scrum and Multi-Team Scrum - what it is. And the Scrum Guidebooks, which describes guidance for implementation - how to apply. Both book groups will help you frame Scrum Effectively so that you can maximize your chances of success - especially in complex ever-changing environments.

The Scrum Leadership Series is a core set of books and companion courses that, when combined with years of experience through on-the-job practice, you can truly call yourself a Recognized Scrum Leader.

There are two collaborative games that Scrum Teams play, the production game and the improvement game. The Scrum Mastering I book and companion course will help you begin your journey of facilitating the improvement of your teams. For anyone who is new to the world of Scrum -- its foundations, its principles, its nuances -- there’s a lot to digest. You will discover that Scrum is lightweight, useful, and difficult to master. Once mastered, Scrum becomes an intuitive extension of how you approach work.

Scrum Teams are led by a Product Owner to build products in a complex decision space. The Product Ownership I book and companion course will start you on your journey. For anyone who is new to the world of Scrum -- its foundations, its principles, its nuances -- there’s a lot to digest. You will discover that Scrum is lightweight, useful, and difficult to master. Once mastered, Scrum becomes an intuitive extension of how you approach work.

A Great Scrum Team is good at playing both the production and improvement games. The Scrum Mastering II book and companion course will help you guide your team to become a Great Team that is proficient at both games. For anyone who is new to the world of Scrum -- its foundations, its principles, its nuances -- there’s a lot to digest. You will discover that Scrum is lightweight, useful, and difficult to master. Once mastered, Scrum becomes an intuitive extension of how you approach work.

Product Ownership is largely about making hard decisions as you lead your Team forward. The Product Ownership II book and companion course are designed to help you prepare for the challenges you will encounter as a Scrum Team Leader. For anyone who is new to the world of Scrum -- its foundations, its principles, its nuances -- there’s a lot to digest. You will discover that Scrum is lightweight, useful, and difficult to master. Once mastered, Scrum becomes an intuitive extension of how you approach work.

Organizations must adapt to improve and flourish in changing environments. The Scrum Mastering III book and course will strengthen your skills as an organizational change agent and prepare you to coach junior Scrum Leaders. For anyone who is new to the world of Scrum -- its foundations, its principles, its nuances -- there’s a lot to digest. You will discover that Scrum is lightweight, useful, and difficult to master. Once mastered, Scrum becomes an intuitive extension of how you approach work.

Scrum Guide Organization Product Ownership 3 Leading Agile OrganizationsScrum Guide Organization Product Ownership 3 Leading Agile Organizations

Great organizations need to respond and adapt to environmental changes. The Product Ownership III book and companion course will help you lead an Organization with an agile mindset. For anyone who is new to the world of Scrum -- its foundations, its principles, its nuances -- there’s a lot to digest. You will discover that Scrum is lightweight, useful, and difficult to master. Once mastered, Scrum becomes an intuitive extension of how you approach work.