The ‘Extended’ Agile Manifesto
We continue to discover and observe better ways of
building things by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:
People over Process
Conversations over Correspondence
Results over Documentation
Teamwork over Heroes
Collaboration over Negotiation
Getting to Done over Dwelling on Dates
Responding to Change over Following a Plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Why an Extended Agile Manifesto?
We believe that these changes to the Agile Manifesto are reasonable and useful in the modern world. After all, the original Manifesto was written in 2001 and represented the ‘beginnings’ of the Agile movement in Software. That was a long while ago, and we can do better – we’ve learned a lot since then.
Our derivation of the Agile Manifesto was motivated by the ideas found through applied practice and captured in the Scrum Manifesto. Both manifestos represent two sides of the same coin - and highlight what the best organizations achieve.
We often use The ‘Extended’ Agile Manifesto in our coaching as a starting point for discussing Organizational Culture. In an agile culture – one that will enable and support scrum – change tends to move the ‘sliders’ to the left.
Challenge Question
How can you use the Extended Agile Manifesto to have the right conversations with the right people at the right time?
The rhythms available to us include Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Sprintly, Weekly, Daily, and Ultradian; each oscillation provides a reminder and opportunity to 'inspect & adapt.' How will your organization continue to simplify and change? Change often increases complexity, and we simplify to (re)gain clarity - the Extended Agile Manifesto reminds us to have an ongoing conversation.